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Weekly News #01: Some News!

It's been several months that we have not given any news or communicate on the studio.

It is time for us to get back in touch even if you are not very numerous to follow us because for almost 3 years we have been working on our new game without broadcasting anything.

After a time of reflection, of questions about what animated us, we thought back to the video games of the 80's and 90's, where it all started for us ... Lots of nostalgia, beautiful memories, wonders around the graphics of 2D games. So we focused for several hours on the games that had rocked our youth. Great platform games on consoles, such as the Nes, the megadrive, the Super Nes, the Lynx, the GameGear and Gameroom! The gameplay was intuitive, efficient with its dose of difficulty, fundamental graphics that left room for everyone's imagination. It was then that little by little the idea of ​​Runner Party came to us!

The creative process was quite hectic, and we went through several stages.

  • First of all, the gameplay reflection

Lovers of platformers from the start, it was obvious for us to start from this game base. We went back to the great classics of video games, and the passion we had for the arcades of our childhood. What did we like? The battle mode, the versus, the platform and the race, and of course the gymnastics of the fingers on the buttons and the joystick of the terminal! We wanted to play a 2D Battle Mode again so we decided to create one! From there was born Runner Party.

  • Then the reflection of the graphic style

After remembering our fondest gaming memories, sorting our archives of old projects, and replaying for several hours on different platforms, the graphic style appeared. Passionate about animated films, comics on absolutely wanted to create our own universe in 2D.

We worked hard, with few financial and human resources (3 people make up the team!), Giving everything we could for this project.

It's time for us to start telling you about Runner Party and the studio through the Weekly news!

Stay tuned !

The Creartstudio team, François, Hugo & Joris.


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